Jersey Shore Sharks Rugby Football And Social Club
A member of the Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union and Mid Atlantic Rugby Union, respectively
AC Rugby Invitational: The Muck and the Mud!!
Jersey Shore Rugby Wrap-up with Dr. J: Mud, muck make for memorable AC Invitational | Jersey Shore Rugby Wrap-up with Dr. J: Mud, muck make for memorable AC Invitational May 24, 2016 Absegami HS, Atlantic City HS, Egg Harbor Twp HS, Featured, Holy Spirit HS,...
Join Our Club
The Jersey Shore Rugby Club competes in the EPRU of the Mid Atlantic Rugby Union. Jersey Shore fields three sides, A, B and Old Boys as well as a Galloway Township Youth Rugby League and the Cape Atlantic Storm Boys High School U-19 Rugby Club.
Support Our Club
The 10/12 club is designed to ensure the financial stability of our organization. Each person pledges to donate $10 per-month to the Jersey Shore Rugby Club for 12 months. The $10 charge will be a recurring monthly charge on your credit card. Think of your donation as the equivalent of two slices of pizza and a mug of beer.
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